Deepen Your Skills

  • Contemplative Leadership Coaching Cohort

    FEB 10 - APR 18, 11AM (ET)

    Join a group of coaches, leaders, and contemplatives as Troy guides us through an immersive, eleven-week online experience. Learn and practice trauma-informed contemplative leadership. Integrate the outer work of holding space for change, and the inner work of self leadership.

  • Men's Retreat: Life Beyond the One Track Mind

    FEB 10, 9AM - 12:30PM (ET)

    Join an online group facilitated by Troy and John Orr to recognize the separations caused by constrictions and mental habits, and practice making space for compassion, curiosity, and connection.

  • Courage to Connect

    FEB 21 - MAR 22, 7PM (ET)

    Join Troy and Daniel Hughes in a six-week online group through The Hive, to explore Creating Space to Practice Brave Conversation. This course will include mindfulness, embodiment, antiracism awareness, media literacy, and nonviolent communication.